One family's diary, journeys and thoughts

Saturday, April 22, 2006

For starters...

It's a big undertaking - to uproot a family and move it across the globe. It's exciting and a bit scary. And it's definitely worth keeping a record of, even if for no other reason than for ourselves, to read later and remember this incredible adventure. Also for friends and anyone who cares.

I thought long and hard how to do it. Seems like a blog is the best solution for now. A website needs maintaining and is too... well, big. Joining another blog, like the one on www.cilicia.com, would be good, but they all have a certain theme and I don't want to be confined to any particular topic. And writing letters to everyone who wants to know what's going on AND keeping a diary for myself... well, I am still going to write, but don't be surprised if in my e-mails I often refer you to this page for the latest news.


At 2:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mariam, I will miss you buddy. Make sure to stay in contact with us. Hope all goes well for you and your family this summer. I'm already looking forward to your return.

At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mariam, have a great trip home and come back soon~! So I can go and visit you!! ha~ jaljine~~~~~!!


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