One family's diary, journeys and thoughts

Monday, September 25, 2006

Independence Day and the concert

September 21st marked the 15th anniversary of independence in Armenia. It was a big deal, with a huge military parade, concerts, fireworks, etc. Of course, we all managed to catch some bug and were sick through most of it, Roxy worst of all. So while Vicky with headache and I with stomachache were filming the parade, Roxy was hugging the toilet at home. Then there was this big concert with the stage set among the ruins of a 7th century temple not too far from Yerevan. This was on the 22nd and 23rd, and even my ex, who is the admin of the orchestra, couldn't get us tickets. So we had to go as volunteers and work hard for two days admitting and seating guests, checking tickets and handing out programmes, but I must say it was worth it. On the first day there was all the who is who of Armenia and diaspora present, on the second - everyone who could afford to buy the tickets.
Then, our ship returned. An exact replica of ships Armenians were sailing on Mediterranean in 13th century, which was built by a group of enthusiasts and for three summers sailed the ancient routes through the Black and Mediterranean Seas, and Atlantic ocean. Just in time for Independence Day, it was trailered into the city and perched on one of the squares for the crowds to see and feel proud. I saw and was proud, especially because I was part of the group that built it - way back when, before leaving for the US...

Here are some pics, to be continued...

Yippee-ki-yay! After 4 months of self-imposed house arrest, Vicky finally got out into that big world!!! Here she is rediscovering things like shopping and sitting in a cafe...

And here is the ship. The full exciting story about it will be posted shortly.


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