One family's diary, journeys and thoughts

Sunday, June 11, 2006

So, did you bring your kids?

The “surprise” part went seamlessly. We walked into my ex’s office from the street and he was there. We stopped by my dad’s house and he was home. He stared at us for full 30 seconds, uncomprehendingly, until he recognized me. We were taken to grandma’s and grandpa’s, who were warned there are guests coming, but weren’t told who the guests were. Grandma started crying when she saw her little Tatevik who was now taller than her.

We visited two of my mom’s friends, my friend’s mom and some neighbors. Everybody were home. Everybody were surprised and happy to see us. The best part was when my mom’s friend, after half-hour conversation with me asked if I came alone. I nodded toward the kids.
-No, I mean your kids, - say s she. – Didn’t you bring your kids?
She thought Vicky and Roxy were my friends...
Cool, huh?


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