It seems like in this ever hurrying time we resorted to meterly posting the news, so I promise there will be photos and philosopical musings soon. For now, just the news.
After much trouble, I finally got the dual citizenship status. From what I gathered, I am one of the first people ever to be granted such a status in Armenia.
The renovation is finally done, and we moved in - even thought there are still a lot of little things to do and we haven't unpacked yet and the house is a mess, but we are living in it.
It snowed today, for the first time this year. The part of the city we moved to is significantly higher than the center, so when we came down the hill this morning, we realized it's just our area that got snowed on. It was fun to look out of the window and see everything covered with white. Out came the scarves and gloves and fur-lined boots again. Yippee!!!
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