The day before yesterday, we set out on a three day hike with a family friend as our guide. It was an interesting trip. To begin with, we each had a huge back back. One of those typical hiking packs. We all headed for the van that was going to take us there on Saturday. We all had to squeeze in there with what seemed like a million other people. There were people standing up (me being one of them), sitting, and some sticking there butts out of the window. Plus, there was a group of annoying armo guys and girls sitting in the van, being loud and obnoxious. I should say before hand that I have a tendency of accidentally dropping my gum out of my mouth while I‘m talking. Well, while we were in the car, I was chewing and talking.. And, well, I dropped the gum on our friend’s arm. He said, “thank you” amidst my mom and vicky laughing. Embarrassing. Well, we hiked a bunch. a lot. And we caught a huge caterpillar about as big as my middle finger except a bit fatter and longer. And we saw a huge grasshopper. And los of bugs. And more hiking. Vicky swore many times that she was going to kill mom. Lots of stuff happened. Drunk people visiting our camp. Drunk people making moves on vicky… 46 year old drunk married people with kids making moves on vicky. A scandal resulting in crying and anger. Swimming in a waterfall. A broken arm. Lots of drama and excitement. And lots of hiking. Read a full account on moms post soon to come. The caterpillar is now in the process of becoming a butterfly. And we are still getting over the affair we had involving a bunch of jerks. Its like Jerry Springer Show all over again. Well, read all about it later. Its quite interesting.
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