One family's diary, journeys and thoughts

Monday, July 10, 2006


We went on a trip today with my grandpa and his friend. It was like a paid trip where you sit on a bus with other people and you all go to the same place. There were mostly grandmas on that trip. But they were violent! When it was time to board the bus, my grandpa told us to go in quick and get a good seat near the front. But those grandmas all pushed their way to the door and we couldn’t get in till all the good seats were taken. Vicky and I ended up sitting at the very end of the bus. And my mo sat in seat in front of us. Quality seating, ehh? But it was very pretty. We hiked, and ate, and caught a dung beetle, and saw frogs in the water and stopped by Sevan Lake. We also looked at an old church and place where monks used to eat and cook. It looked like a restaurant that consisted of stone tables with tree trunks as chairs. Of course, on the way there and back, music was turned on so the ladies got up and started dancing in the bus. And there was a young couple sitting next to us, getting a little close….and then they started singing. Vicky and I played Egyptian rat (very fun) and Vicky won, 8 to 6. And on the way back, we looked out the back window and started waving to random people. Some guys waved at us, some blew kisses, and some gestured for us to go to them, like we’re gonna fly through the window, right? Then I made a dazed and confused look, and stared at people. Also fun. Plus, my mom made me a wreath of daises which I wore for a while, but soon it wilted. Did I mention Vicky and I shot hilarious videos with my mom’s camera? Well, it was a fun day. That’s all.


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