Happy New Year!!
The Mummers Parade traces back to mid-17th century roots, blending elements from Swedish, Finnish, Irish, English, German and other European heritages, as well as African-American heritage. The parade is related to the Mummers Play tradition from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
The first official parade was held January 1, 1901. The earliest surviving String Band, Trilby, first paraded in 1902 (with many breaks thereafter, and a reorganization in 1935.
Here are the photos - all 82 of them.
Forrest Gump much?
Ukranian guys in Ukranian maiden costumes...
Mummers have to deal with a lot of press...
This band got us all dancing.
Gandalf? I thought you were gone, sailed off from Grey Havens.
Roxy reading a brochure about Islam she was handed.
Some costumes were more provocative than others. Like Wiki Leaks...
... and Lady Gaga.
Big banana...
Little banana... it's Monkey Business team.
Banana with his monkey.
Monkey with its banana.
Not all mummers are examples of highest moral image.
Too much beer?
Superman with his superbaby.
The walking cheesesteak. Philly is phamous phor it's cheesesteak, you know...
Papa penguin.
Gotta love Smarties :))
Miser Brothers - Fire.
Hot Pretzels!!
Lobsters from The Deadliest Catch.
The wench and his wife. And his beer.
Very confident guys.
Hairy-chested Super(wo)man and the Golden Slippers.
Reduced to Rags brigade.
The Operation (game).
It's a zoo out there!
The lederhosen-clad marching team. Germans, perhaps.
A sleeping devil.
Very wild animals.
- You again?!
(This guy gave us some candy when we stepped out of the subway and wished us a happy new year. Then he saw me taling a photo.)