A pic
Here's a picture of my new school, taken from their website.
One family's diary, journeys and thoughts
On Monday, I found out that I got accepted to QSI (quality schools international.) I was also informed that I would be starting on Tuesday. So I went out, bought a few school supplies, and went the next day. My "homeroom" was really nice. There are 5 girls and 4 boys. One girl is from Norway, one is from Uzbekistan, one is from India, and one is from Greece. And there are two Armenian guys, one half japanese -half dutch guy, and an Iranian guy. In some of my classes, there are only 3 girls. I’m taking geography and algebra 2 alone, online, in a small computer room with two other students doing something else. Yeah. Anyway, for a first day, it went pretty well. One of the first things I noticed was not only the difference in size (this school is tiny), but also how free everything was. I mean, some kids stay in the classroom for the next class, some leave. They go in and out as they please sometimes, and there are no bells between classes. Only after recess and lunch, but that's a real bell rung by a real person. Basically, it's less restricted in some respects. Still, it’s a very good school. It’s hard to describe the atmosphere there, but I like it.
There is a very popular place in Yerevan called the Cascade. This is basically a monumental stairway connecting the lower and upper parts of the city. That's where you go to find tourists and such, especially in the evening. It consists of many beautiful levels with gardens, fountains, statues, the whole enchilada. Various free outdoor concerts are held there. On one of our many visits, Mom and I saw some pretty interesting and breathtaking sights.
And here's a view of the lower part of the Cascade, with my favorite statue: a rabbit in running position (look closely).
While we were on one of the middle levels, we looked down and saw a long bench directly below us.
Here's what was happening on the left side of the bench...
Here's what was happening on the right side of the bench...
I think this can safely be called the "love bench."
Have you met Burger King's wife?
So, it's getting colder here in the city. And, as you can probably imagine, we didn't bring too many warm clothes from Southern California... What does one do? Go shopping, right? So we went shopping.
Roxy watching the blooper reel for the Pirates of the Carribean. I think she was talking to the guy, don't you?
Roxy, on a beautiful Sunday morning, fresh out of church. Did I mention that the temperature have dropped below freezing last week and it already snowed in some parts of the city? Thus, the polar explorer's outfit...
Alas, Hedgie is still here. I hope we will soon release him into the wild where he belongs. Meanwhile, my house looks (and smells) a lot like a zoo, but we get some close-ups of wild things without endangering our lives. Here is a portrait of our hedgehog...
Now, about our new arrival. About three days ago, we had guests over. The same family that we visited in Bjurakan at their summer house (see previous posts about our trip). Before the guests arrived, Mom came home with a little surprise- a hedgehog which she found in the park across from our house. I got to hold it, and let me tell you- this is one no-nonsense prickly thing. We showed it to the guests and agreed that we will keep it for two weeks until we go to their summer house and release it there, where it's quiet. I call it the hedgie, or Sonic the Hedgehog. Here's a pic that I took recently. We will hopefully have some better pics once it gets accustomed to our house. For now, it sleeps all day and is awake by night. We gave it a bed with some newspapers, and it tears them up at night, then goes exploring, while leaving its droppings everywhere (which i later have to clean). They love newspapers, and poor Vicky has to listen to the scratching and grumbling all night while it builds a nest out of them. A very noisy animal altogether.