One family's diary, journeys and thoughts

Monday, January 15, 2007

Feeling closer to the top

The airconditioning/heating units, which we have installed in the office, are guaranteed to perform under the temperatures as low as -5 °C. When it's -15 to -25°C, it becomes a little problematic to operate them. Huge chunks of ice clog the units, stop the fans and cause all kinds of malfunctions. What you have then is an office full of freezing people, each one of them having a personal vendetta against the office manager.
So, I called the air conditioning repair guy and asked him to come over. If he shook all the ice out of the units, they might start working again.
"Can't come right now, - said the repairman. - I am at the President's office, and he is having the same problem. Let me make sure the President of the country is no longer freezing, and I will come over and take care of you guys next."
Only in Armenia...


At 12:09 PM, Blogger Donna said...

Sounds like you are having fun over there! Hope it warms up a little for you!


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